Official Home of the
The Safest, Most Accurate Paternity DNA Test for Pregnant Women

Refund Policy and Other Terms and Conditions
From the moment a client schedules an appointment with us, we begin incurring expenses associated with that appointment. We incur even more expenses by completing your appointment. As we move through the testing phase of your case, our expenses increase exponentially. By the time results are issued, we’ve spent a significant amount of time, money, labor and resources to ensure a safe, expedient and accurate result.
Our perpetual incurrence of costs associated with the DNA testing process necessitates a precise schedule of policies (see below). As such, we cannot stress enough the importance of asking all your questions and understanding our testing process and policies before booking an appointment. All genetic testing requires a financial commitment. And your financial commitment to us is as important as our obligation to deliver quality service to you.
All sales are final. No refunds are allowed. Â For more specific terms, conditions and circumstances regarding refunds, see the following policies.
All appointment scheduling fees are non-refundable.  Please contact us and ask all of your questions before booking an appointment. Also, customers who miss their appointment (for any reason) without giving us at least one business day’s notice will be subject to additional scheduling fees and/or advance payment of their test fee.  In other words, help us keep from wasting our time and yours by giving us a heads-up if you cannot keep your scheduled appointment.  All it takes is a quick phone call.
All sales are final, regardless of condition or outcome of the pregnancy, including but not limited to a false positive, miscarriage or pregnancy termination. It is the patient’s responsibility to confirm their pregnancy and the presence of a fetus before setting an appointment. We do not provide pregnancy testing nor do we confirm your pregnancy. Should the customer choose to abandon or cease completion of the test for any reason, no refunds will be given.  Should one of the test parties cancel or not show up to the appointment, no refund will be given for any fees paid.  If completion of a test is delayed by a customer longer than 30 days after the original appointment date, clients will be subject to recollection of specimens and additional testing fees.  Also, no refunds will be given for unforeseen or uncontrollable issues with the testing process or delivery of the results.  Lastly, the laboratory may require additional blood or buccal samples from the test parties to complete the testing process; should the mother or father decline to give additional blood or buccal samples for any reason when asked, no refunds will be given for any fees paid.
For confidentiality reasons, only the test parties are obligated to receive a copy of the test results, regardless of who pays for the test.  Anyone else wanting a copy of the results must be approved by the test parties themselves. All results turnaround times are estimated, not guaranteed.  Results may be delayed due to a number of factors, including shipping issues, laboratory request for a specimen sample redraw, laboratory request for additional testing time, or other unforeseen or uncontrollable factors.  No discounts or refunds shall be given for delayed or inconclusive test results.  Lastly, we do not conduct any laboratory testing in our offices. As the authorized specimen collection site for our affiliated laboratory partners, our primary job is to collect biological specimens and deliver them to our lab partner for testing.  Therefore, any potential errors arising from the testing process should be discussed with the laboratory. As a client/patient of ours, you agree to hold us harmless from any liability arising from erroneous test results provided by our lab partners.
In the event of a disputed or returned payment, all interested parties to the test case will be jointly and severally liable for payment of the full test fee, the maximum returned payment fee allowed by law, reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs associated with collection of full payment of the above mentioned.  For counterfeit cash payments or fraudulent credit card payments or disputes, all interested parties to the test case will be jointly and severally held liable and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.